Lake Management Plan & Stearns County AIS Plan
The Lake Management Plan for Lake Koronis and Rice Lake was first developed by members of the Koronis Lake Association and the Rice Lake Association in 2001. Working under an Initiative Foundation program, called the Healthy Lake Partnership, they worked with Ekola & Associates and staff from County and State agencies to develop a Lakeshed Management Plan.
In 2010, RLA and KLA members held an inclusive community planning/visioning session designed to identify key community concerns, assets, opportunities, and priorities. Approximately 80 people were in attendance. The results of this planning/visioning session were used as input to update the Lakeshed Management Plan. Details of the public input received at this session are provided within this plan.
Also below is a link to the Stearns County AIS Plan. This plan helps explains the the AIS program and why we have it.